Finished product still requires further process, this process is called packaging. packaging itself is an important element in building a brand. packaging itself should have commercial properties that can be used by both, among others, must be able to accommodate the product, should be able to sell the product, packaging material costs are reasonable and economical.
explanation of the packaging criteria are described as follows:
1. Must be able to accommodate product
physical form of the packaging should be designed such that it is easy in the content, meet the requirements of law and economics as well as can be covered effectively. lest when the product is put into the packaging too much or too little.
2. Must be able to protect product
packaging has been designed to be able to protect products from the weather, shock, light, heat, theft, water vapor, and safe for consumers.
3. Must be able to mennnjal products
the most important thing to be able to show the identity of the packaging products. on the packaging should be listed:
a. a brief description of the product
b. brand name identity
c. company, logo, name of manufacturer
d. contents, weight, volume
e. user
f. illustration depicting a product
g. price
4. Efficiency Cost
The fees are used for the packaging to be really taken into account, the use of cost must be efficient. not to charge inflated because of the packaging material selection. Packaging should be made attractive so that consumers are interested in purchasing the product.